Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I found him!

I finally found the love of my life & we're engaged!!!

Please pray for us, as we have many hurdles to overcome.

But we both have faith in the Lord, we strongly believe
He brought us together & will guide us on our path.


jib said...

great picture guys and Mac looks exactly like I knew he would!!!

congrats and may God's reichest blessing cover you both in the days to come

jib said...

i do however notice that you all managed to cover up your faces fairly well lol

campsmore said...

Jib, I second that!

Mac you are as good looking as MacGyver.... the German Shepherd that is! lol

No, seriously you both look wonderful, and very happy.

I hope the engagement period goes by very quickly for you. We almost eloped and we were only engaged for 5 months. That was 25 years ago.

Blessings for a very happy future!
love you both

Alesia said...

Jib - hehehe - you know that was my idea!

Thanks, Lori, we love you too!

Homeward Bound said...

Congratulations again! Thanks for sharing your news (and delightfully happy pic) with us.

jeri from SA said...

Alesia and Mac,

Congratulations and God's richest blessings on you both. Will hold you up in prayer until you are re-united again and then as a couple.

Thanks for your sites and for all your prayers.

Yours in Christ

PS. Adi's tests are clear again.

Alesia said...

Thanks HB & Jeri!

Praise God & Hallelujah about Adi -- that's fantastic news!!!

donna said...

So sweet!

May God Bless you both today, tomorrow and forever!

Great Grany 5 said...

Oh, you look so happy and why not! To say that I am hoping your joy increases mightily every day is an understatement and I am praying for you both.

Shalom and all that goes with it in Jesus' name.


lindalou said...

Congratulations Alesia and Mac!
Thanks for sharing the picture, and Wilma ... what a blessing to see your precious name show up. You are so greatly missed!

ByHISstripesIamhealed said...

Praise GOD! Congrats to you both! I already knew Alesia was gorgeous from seeing pix of her (and her lovely daughter) on her blog way back when and I had a feeling Mac would be a doll as well...yup, I was right! :)
Love Judy
PS...will Hyde be the best man? :)

Alf Cengia said...

Thank you all so much for your kind comments.

Jib, Alesia was doing everyone a favor covering my face. However, she herself is, indeed, gorgeous. Oh, that smile!!!

Alesia said...

Thank you all, here & at the cave, for your wonderful comments.

It's been so good to see dear friends, who've not been around lately - we've missed you all greatly.